B Y - L A W S T O T H E C O N S T I T U T I O N O F T H E A R I Z O N A C R O Q U E T C L U B The Constitution of the Arizona Croquet Club shall be amended as follows: Certain by-laws, created for the orderly maintenance of the club, shall be adopted by the club. The following by-laws are appended to the Constitution of the Arizona Croquet Club. These by-laws may be created or be amended by a majority vote of a quorum of a duly constituted meeting of the General Membership. 1. The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, fill any vacan­ cies that exist on the Board. 2. The Board of Directors shall decide whether a croquet court shall be designated as an official "club" court. 3. All game rules and social conventions at any club tournament shall be governed in practice by the strictures of the Arizona Croquet Club Tournament Book. 4. The Tournament Book shall be created and amended by majority vote of the Board of Directors. 5. The Bisque Committee shall consist of three club members, ap­ pointed by the President. The Committee members shall have the following qualification: A. Be a member in good standing of the Arizona Croquet Club and the United States Croquet Association. B. Be in top 50 percent of the Arizona Croquet Club Bisque list. C. A member of the Arizona Croquet Club for three years. D.i Played in two Arizona Croquet Club tournaments per year (other than pro-Ams) for three years. 6. All owners of an official "club" court shall automatically become Members-At-Large of the Board of Directors of the club. ADDENDA TO THE BY-LAWS 7. Any member whose dues are four (4) quarters in arrears shall be suspended from the club and all its activities. 8. Any suspended member will be reinstated upon payment of the recorded dues in arrears, payment of any outstanding assessments, plus the current quarters dues.