C O N S T I T U T I O N O F T H E A R I Z O N A C R O Q U E T C L U B ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be "The Arizona Croquet Club". ARTICLE II - PURPOSE Section 1: The purpose of this organization is to enjoy, promote, and develop the game of croquet in accordance with The Laws of Association Croquet (plus following amendment) and such other rules of the game of croquet as are sanctioned by the Board of Directors from time to time. Section 2: In pursuance of this purpose we should: A. Promote, hold and manage tournaments, matches, etc., and provide Official Managers, Referees and Handicappers. B. Promote the establishment of affiliated clubs. C. Acquire and maintain equipment and properties. D. Sanction championships. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Any person interested in the purpose of this orga­ nization may be sponsored for membership by any current member. Section 2: Any person sponsored for membership will become a member upon receipt of a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Section 3: The dues of this organization shall be established by the Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting. Every new member shall pay a Thirty Dollar ($30.00) initiation fee. (amend­ ed as follows .. Every new member shall pay an initiation fee equal to one quarter of the current annual dues.) Section 4: A member may be expelled for conduct adverse to the welfare of the organization by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, cast while playing a game of croquet, at a meeting announced twenty days prior to the vote. Section 5: (plus following amendment General Mtg 22 Sept 89) The Board of Directors is empowered to create limited and nonvot­ ing memberships and to determine dues and initiation fees for such membership. ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS Section 1: A meeting must be held in the month of October (amended to June) as determined by the Board of Directors and shall be known as the "Annual Meeting". At this meeting Officers and Directors shall be elected. All members shall have one vote and must be present to vote. Proxies are not allowed. Section 2: Time and location of Board and General Meetings shall be determined by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors. A reasonable effort must be made to notify members at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Section 3: A quorum at the Annual or a General Meeting shall be 30% of the membership, or seven members, whichever is greater. A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be a ma­ jority of its members. ARTICLE V - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1: The Board of Directors is the governing body of this organization. The Board shall have control and management of the affairs of the organization, with authority to conduct the business of the organization. The Board of Directors shall con­ sist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past-President, an two Directors elected at the Annual Meeting for one-year terms. Section 2: The President shall preside at all General, Annu­ al, and Board Meetings, and shall be a voting member. ARTICLE VI - ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business for meetings shall be determined by the President. This Constitution and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the guide for the conduct of the meeting. ARTICLE VII - AMENDMENTS AND RECALL Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any General Meeting provided notice had been given at least twenty days prior. Section 2: Officers and Directors may be recalled by a two- thirds vote at any General Meeting provided notice had been given at least twenty days prior. ARTICLE VIII - FOUNDERS Be it known that the Founders of this club were William Her­ mann, Edwin Cline, Stanley Patmor, and Douglas Whitneybell. Attest, on this the twenty-third day of August, 1975. William Hermann, Secretary THE ARIZONA CROQUET CLUB